Congratulations to the participants on ZLL’s 2019 All-Star Softball Teams. 12U Softball Claudia Antcliff Maggie Moore Campbell Strecker Cassidy Garrett Abbie Geib Avery Griffin VivianView More
It’s time to submit nominations for the Steve Strecker Coach of the Year Award
The Steve Strecker Coach of the Year Award is given each year to one baseball and one softball coach. Please nominate a coach that youView More
Nominations open for Jack Connor Sportsmanship Award
The Jack Connor Sportsmanship Award is given to one baseball and one softball player from the majors division in each sport. Please nominate a majorsView More
ZLL Scholarship Winners Announced
Zionsville Little League awarded its annual scholarships to three deserving ZCHS graduating seniors at the Senior Honors Night Ceremony on May 14. Cole Connor andView More
The 2019 ZLL Raffle Offers Great Prizes and Fundraising for ZLL
Each year ZLL supplements its registration and sponsorship revenues with a community fundraiser. These funds are necessary to continue to make improvements to our fieldsView More
Team Picture Schedules – Spring 2019
ZLL is pleased to announce that Pro-Tek Photography is ZLL’s photographer again this year. Team Pictures will be taken on either Saturday April 13 orView More
2019 Field Closing and Lightning Delay Process
It’s raining. It’s too cold. There’s lightning. The park is flooded. We just got three inches of snow in April. Inclement weather is a factView More
ZCHS Seniors: Apply Now for Keraga and Veatch Scholarships
ZLL is now accepting applications from ZCHS Seniors who played baseball or softball in Zionsville Little League for either the Chuck Keraga Memorial Scholarship (forView More
2019 Spring Rec Registration is Open
As of March 8, limited spots are available and our registration system is not accepting registrations except for the Challenger program. Please contact the ZLLView More
Board of Directors Election Results
Zionsville Little League held its annual meeting to select the Board of Directors for the 2019 season. The following officers were elected. Position Director PresidentView More