Follow Championship Week with Updated Brackets
The 2021 Rec Baseball Tournaments begin Monday, June 7 and conclude on Championship Saturday June 12. The brackets are posted online and will be updatedView More
Nominations Open for the Steve Strecker Coach of the Year Award
The Steve Strecker Coach of the Year Award is given each year to one ZLL baseball and one ZLL softball coach. Please nominate a coachView More
Submit Your Nomination for the Jack Connor Sportsmanship Award
The Jack Connor Sportsmanship Award is given each year to one baseball and one softball player from ZLL’s rec league programs. This year we areView More
Barksdale and Paul Earn ZLL Scholarships
Congratulations to Judy Veatch Memorial Scholarship recipient Carlin Barksdale and Chuck Keraga Memorial Scholarship recipient Andrew Paul and for earning these prestigious awards. The recipientsView More
Cold Weather Results in Park Closure April 20 and 21
Team Picture Days (Spring 2021)
ZLL is pleased to announce that Pro-Tek Photography is ZLL’s photographer again this year. Team Pictures will be taken on either Saturday April 17 orView More
Support ZLL With Every Mulch Order From Haulstr
ZLL has partnered with local mulch provider Haulstr on a unique fundraising campaign. With every yard of mulch you order from Haulstr, the company willView More
Registration for New Youth Umpires Open
ZLL is now accepting applications for new “Rookie” umpires. This is a great opportunity for kids who love baseball and softball to earn money, developView More
ZCHS Seniors: Keraga and Veatch Scholarships Applications Due March 15
ZLL is now accepting applications from high school seniors who live in Zionsville and who played baseball or softball in Zionsville Little League for eitherView More