12s Baseball Manager: Pete Darge Caleb Bender Billy Busse Nicholas Chisholm Jack Connor Cody Copeland Sam Darge Jacob Gay Max Miles Joseph Montgomery Andrew PaulView More
9U and 10U Baseball All-Star Roster Announcement
10s Baseball Manager: Pete Huber Ethan Baker Brayden Baxter Drew Busick Kyle Curran Chase Ferrin Evan Huber Evan Lane Aydan McCormick Elijah Meals Michael NarvaView More
Rookie Level All-Star Roster Announcement
8s Baseball Manager: Grant Klinedinst Aiden Cruz Robert Fisher Sam Haak Arron Habecker Jack Hupe Brady Klinedinst Teddy Quick Luke Schein Brady Shaw Nolan TeislingView More
2015 All-Star Softball Rosters Announced
12U Green Softball Manager: Brian Stewart Lauren Baker Katie Cantrell Elise Gall Anna Gobeyn Nicole Gruesser Sterling McKenzie Jenny Pitts Lylah Sands Ainsley Serbin SofiaView More
Championship Saturday Matchups
It’s finally here – Championship Saturday. ZLL’s signature event on Saturday June 13 will reveal the 8 teams who survive their respective rec league tournamentsView More
2015 Home Run Recognition
There are few things in baseball more exciting than a home run, and in Little League it is even more exciting because it happens soView More
Championship Week Update
The 8 tournaments that make up the rec league championships are winnowing down to the final teams, and all 8 tournaments will culminate with championshipView More
Crush claim President’s Cup Title
The Zionsville Little League Crush Majors Softball team won the Indiana District 8 Little League President’s Cup on Saturday. The Crush, managed by Brian Stewart,View More
Crew Car Wash Fundraiser Information
As you look around the park this year, you will see a number of improvements have been made including new dugouts on some fields, newView More
Opening Night 2015 kicks off another great ZLL season
After a week of dicey weather, Mother Nature let the sun shine brightly on Lions’ Park so more than a thousand players and coaches fromView More