ZLL will be offering its Fall Baseball and Softball programs again in 2016. It’s a great opportunity for everyone – kids who want additional practiceView More
Majors Softball Captures District 8 Title
The ZLL 12U (Majors) Softball All Stars defeated Southmont 13-1 on Saturday, July 2nd to win the District 8 Championship. The 12U Lady Eagles willView More
Championship Saturday Recap
On Saturday June 18, it came down to 16 teams vying for 8 championships. At the end of the day, Zionsville Little League crowned 8View More
Championship Saturday Schedule
The culmination of the 2016 rec baseball and softball season will take place on Saturday with Championship games in eight divisions. After a long seasonView More
Support the ZCHS Baseball Team – Pep Rally on Wednesday
Here is the information about the ZCHS baseball pep rally on Wednesday. State Championship Pep Rally is Wednesday 6PM at 875! Come hang out withView More
Championship week underway
The Zionsville Little League Rec post-season tournaments are fully underway on Saturday June 11 with a full slate of games in most divisions. Games continueView More
2016 ZLL Summer Camp Registration
On June 20 and 21 ZLL will be hosting a two-day baseball skills camp for players Ages 7-8 (10 am to noon each day) andView More
Memorial Day Weekend Raffle
In conjunction with the Memorial Day Baseball Tournament being held at Lion’s Park, we will be conducting a Memorial Day raffle. Proceeds will go towardView More
Team Picture Day Information
The second round of team pictures will take place on Saturday May 14 in the Shelter House located just north of Field 1. This sessionView More
Congratulations to ZLL Raffle Winners
Congratulations to the Zionsville Little League Raffle Winners! 3rd Prize – $200 Dick’s Sporting Goods Gift Card – Jerry Fritts (ticket sold by Mets) 2ndView More