ZLL Provides uniform jerseys and caps for all the players in our baseball divisions. Parents are responsible for purchasing matching belts and socks for theirView More
ZCHS Seniors – Apply Now for Keraga and Veatch Scholarships
ZLL is now accepting applications from ZCHS Seniors who played baseball or softball in Zionsville Little League for either the Chuck Keraga Memorial Scholarship (forView More
Register now for 2018 Spring Baseball and Softball
Registration for the 2018 Zionsville Little League Rec Baseball, Rec Softball, and Challenger programs is now open. Register before midnight on February 16 to takeView More
2018 Spring Registration Document Requirements
The following documents must be uploaded to ZLL through our online registration system before registration can be completed. Please contact ZLL Player Agent Ashley AlexanderView More
ZLL Mourns Passing of Steve Strecker
It is with heavy hearts and great sadness that we mourn the loss of our friend and ZLL board member Steve Strecker, at the youngView More
Get involved and serve ZLL! Board Elections in September
On Monday September 11 at 7 pm in the Lions Park Shelter House, the ZLL Board of Directors will hold its annual elections to selectView More
Register now for fall baseball camps!
ZLL Manager of Baseball Instruction, Ryan Basham, is hosting a Friday Night Camp Series for all ZLL Players. The Camp will consist of 4 differentView More
Register Now for 2017 Fall Baseball and Softball
Registration for the 2017 Fall Baseball and Softball programs is now open through August 21. You can register your child online for our programs byView More
ZLL 50/70 Team Advances to State Championship Game
ZLL’s 50/70 (Intermediate Division) All-Star baseball team advanced to the Indiana State Championship game on Sunday afternoon with a convincing 13-3 win over the DonView More
Weather disrupts Rookie Baseball Drive to Championships
Wednesday evening’s storms may have altered the Rookie baseball rec tournament schedules, but nothing else can stop these youngster’s drive to win a championship onView More