McKenzie and Shertzer Earn ZLL Scholarships

Congratulations to Judy Veatch Memorial Scholarship recipient Everly McKenzie and Chuck Keraga Memorial Scholarship recipient Jack Shertzer.

The recipients were presented their awards on May 21, 2023 at the ZCHS Senior Honors Night by ZLL Board President Torrye Kampen.

These scholarships are awarded each year to high school seniors who played in Zionsville Little League.  The Keraga Scholarship is awarded to a former ZLL baseball player and the Veatch Scholarship is awarded to a former ZLL softball player.  Each scholarship is valued at $500 and is based on the applicant’s involvement in ZLL, their academic performance, participation and leadership in extra curricular activities, and the quality of a written essay about how their experiences in Zionsville Little League helped prepare them for college, a professional career, and family life.

The scholarships were begun to honor the memory of longtime ZLL volunteers Chuck Keraga and Judy Veatch.  More information about Chuck, Judy, and these scholarships can be viewed here.

Everly is the daughter of Dana and Brandy McKenzie. She played softball in ZLL for 7 years. While in high school, Everly has participated in the ZCHS Varsity Dance team, National Honor Society, and the National Key Club Association. She plans to attend Purdue University in the fall to study accounting. Everly was the first ZLL softball player to be awarded with the Jack Connor Sportsmanship award when it began in 2018.

Jack is the son of John Shertzer and Ellen Shertzer. He played baseball in ZLL for 6 years and served as an umpire for 2 years. While a student at ZCHS, Jack participated in the National Honor Society and the Letters to Uganda program. He was awarded academic all-state for football and track two times in each sport. Jack also plans to attend Purdue University in the fall to study accounting.