It’s raining. It’s too cold. There’s lightning. The park is flooded. We just got three inches of snow in April.
Inclement weather is a fact of life in Central Indiana in the Spring. Some days are great. Others… well, let’s just say it’s not always the best circumstances for baseball and softball.
Player safety is at the top of ZLL’s concerns. We will not put your children or our children in harm’s way if field conditions are not safe for playing because of weather. Like everyone, we want to have our games and practices, but if the ZLL Board of Directors determines the weather conditions are not appropriate for baseball or softball, we will cancel games or practices for that day.
On weekdays, our goal is to make that decision as early in the day as possible. But since weather can change and we are eternal optimists, there are days we won’t make a decision until late in the afternoon. We will do everything we can to make that decision and announce it by 4:30 pm.
On Saturdays, when games are played all day long, we may have rolling decisions as the day goes along. For example, at 9 am we may cancel all games which are scheduled before noon, but defer a decision on the afternoon games later that morning. We could get the fields ready for afternoon games. We ask for extra patience on Saturdays. They are long days, and cancelling a full schedule of Saturday games is a challenge to reschedule.
Keep up with announcements – Sign up for RainedOut
So how do we let you, the parents of ZLL, know about field closings? The best way to stay aware is to sign up for ZLL’s RainedOut Service. With RainedOut, you can receive a text message or email message immediately. When ZLL decides to close fields and cancel games or practices, we trigger this service. It’s the fastest way for you to find out. When we send out a message through RainedOut, it also automatically posts the announcement to ZLL’s website (in the column along the right), on the ZLL Facebook page, and on the ZLL Twitter feed.

To sign up for RainedOut, simply use your mobile phone’s messaging app and text the letters ZLLPARENT to the phone number 84483. Or you can signup either your mobile phone number or an email address at the ZLL RainedOut page.

If you don’t want to receive text messages, you can always check the ZLL Facebook Page or ZLL Twitter Feed.
There’s no value in contacting us before we make a decision to ask whether we are going to make a decision. Trust us, we are monitoring the situation closely and will announce if we are closing fields as soon as we can. If you haven’t heard about a decision by 3:00 pm, be patient, we’ll make it no later than 4:30 pm. Please don’t contact us about whether a decision has been made – we will announce it as soon as we have made the decision
Lightning Delay Information

It’s also important that you know about situations where lightning is/may be present. This is a weather event ZLL takes very seriously because lightning strikes can be fatal. If a ZLL Official observes lightning while during a practice or game, EVERYONE MUST CLEAR THE FIELDS AND GO DIRECTLY TO THEIR CARS FOR SAFETY.
We are not kidding about this – round up your kids and go to your car. Do not hang out in the Gazebo or under the eaves of the concession stand.
If there is a child on your team whose parent is not present, take them with you to your car.
All practices and games will be on a 20 minute delay until the ZLL Officer of the Day provides an all clear signal. We will announce these lightning delays and resumption of play through RainedOut.
Other weather considerations
Whether it is hot or cold, dress your players and prepare appropriately. In cool weather, dress the players in layers. In all weather conditions, but especially hot weather, make sure your players have plenty of fluids to keep themselves hydrated. Pitchers and catchers, who exert more energy during a game, require extra attention.
Contact us
If you have any questions or suggestions about our policies or procedures, please let us know.