Practices for the spring rec season begin in mid-to-late March, depending on the weather.  Games begin in mid-April, usually on the second or third weekend of April.  The spring rec season lasts until its conclusion with a post-season tournament that ends in mid June.  Check the ZLL Calendar for the specific dates each year.

There are no set days of the week or times for practices and games.  We often have more teams than fields available which makes it impossible to give each team a specific date and time each week for practices.  Most teams will practice once or twice per week before the games begin.  Once games begin, practices are less frequent – perhaps once every two weeks.  Some teams schedule practices at locations other than Lions’ Park to get more practice time in.

Teams typically play 12 to 15 games per season.  Usually there will be one game for a team during the week and one game on each Saturday.  Weekday games begin at 5:30 or 6 pm.  Saturday games start as early as 10 am and will run all day.

Practice and game schedules will provided by each team’s coach.  They are also posted on the web site under the Calendar tab as Game Schedules.

Posted in: Practices and games