Board of Directors Elections are September 8 – Volunteers needed

The Zionsville Little League Board of Directors is comprised of volunteers who strive to create a fun and competitive baseball and softball experience for children in Zionsville. Each September, a new Board of Directors is elected. This year the Board elections will take place on Monday September 8th at 7:00 pm at the Lions’ Club clubhouse on Elm Street.

Any person who served as a volunteer during the 2014 season may vote in the elections or be nominated to serve on the Board.  Eligible volunteer roles include team manager, team parent, assistant coach, field maintenance, etc.  You may nominate yourself for a Board position, or another eligible voter may nominate you.

There are 20 Board positions, and all are open for election each year. Every existing Board member must be re-elected – there are no automatic carryovers from year to year. Every year the Board welcomes new members who have never served before. It is an important and healthy aspect to our Board that new members bring new ideas and enthusiasm for making ZLL better and better.

Please consider serving in one of the following positions:

Executive Vice President
League Information Officer
Player Agent
Safety Officer
VP Softball
VP Coach Pitch Baseball (6-8 year olds)
VP Player Pitch Baseball (9-12 year olds)
VP Baseball 13 and over
VP Maintenance
Player Development Officer – Softball
Player Development Officer – Baseball
Umpire Officer
Sponsorship Officer
Uniforms Officer
Equipment Officer
Special Events Coordinator
Fund Raising Coordinator

For a description of the Board positions, visit